doc. Ing. Stanislav Mišák, Ph.D.
Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava,
Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky,
Katedra elektroenergetiky
17. listopadu 15
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HomeOptimization of distribution system with grid connected PV plant

Optimization of distribution system with grid connected PV plant

DS optimalizationConnecting of distributed generation of electricity from renewable sources into the grid carries its own risks. These are the so-called negative feedback effect to the operation of electric power system caused by unforeseen stochastic supply of electric power. This paper describes the optimization of devoted power system operation including renewable sources by created so called Solver platform, which is able to suggest an optimal topology connection of power system based on the prediction of power consumption points and generation of electricity from renewable sources.

 Integration of distributed generation of electricity from renewable sources into the existing distribution system is a recent trend in the production and transmission of electricity. This fact entails difficulties in the form of feedback effects of renewable sources to the applied grid. Among the feedback effects of renewable energy sources can include:
• Voltage change in connecting point
• Flicker effect
• Current surges
• Frequency change
• Harmonic distortion of voltage and current
• Bi-directional power flow in line


See full lenght paper entitled Optimization of distribution system with grid connected PV plant

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